Thursday 30 April 2015

Simon Francis

An article about the former Addick, now with Bournemouth, in the Sun yesterday has caused some controversy.

Written by his stepbrother, it says a move to Charlton should have worked out. It seriously did not. The fans thought he was poor and the team struggled. 'The fans always wanted me to just dive in the whole time. I always just thought, "That's thick You get sent off, it hurts the team."' One might have thought that he would have moved on by now, but it clearly still rankles.

Some Addicks argue that his performances were abject. An alternative view is that 'at the time we were crap and the atmosphere at The Valley wasn't great. Francis used to get dogs abuse at the time which to me doesn't help a player improve their game. Some players are stronger and can cope with it and will improve, some won't and live down to the abuse they are getting.'

'Francis has shown he has the ability and has moved on to better things with Bournemouth, whether he proves good enough for the premiership and Howe gets someone else in time will tell. {Somehow I doubt it]. Howe obviously knows how to get the best out of players from the lower leagues when you look at that Bournemouth side.'

Fans may get the chance to form their own view on Saturday.


  1. He simply could not defend - nothing about jumping in, he never makes a tackle. When he does these days, he gets sent off (which is why he missed Tuesday's game...). His strength was as an attacking full back, yet what really rankled Addicks fans was the quality of his crosses (a supposed strength), which invariably ended up in the crowd! I wish him well but no way will he survive next season in the Cherries first team...

  2. Francis didn't give a shit from the moment he joined till the end he couldn't wait to get out of the club for that hes in my worst x 11 team he was pretty shit for us and being honest with that
