Monday 15 June 2015

Liverpool have joined race for Gomez

Liverpool have joined Arsenal and Manchester City in the race for the signature of Joe Gomez: Joe Gomez

He might then be sent out on loan. However, Arsenal are still thought to be leading the race given the links between the two clubs, exemplified by the loan of Francis Coquelin. Ironically, Wenger is thinking of signing another defensive midfielder to take Coquelin's place.

The latest word is that the deal with Liverpool will be sealed this week, £3.5m plus add ons. This is a quarter of the valuation suggested by Acworth below.

That figure comes from Liverpool sources and Richard Cawley of the SLP thinks that the deal could be worth £10m: More money?


  1. i take 14m 50% sell on clause with £500k every further 10 apearances for liverpool and £1m every full england cap we got bargain here

  2. I can see all that happening.

  3. why do we always sell players on the cheap? gomez is worth 10 x that amount and we should rake in as much as we can for a top player i based it on valuation for a up and comming player 14m i think would be fare price for all concerned but selling at around 3.5m is taking the pee out of a championship team.You watch gomez next move will top towards the price i sugested in the first place and thats the figure we should be demanding

  4. not a bad original guess i said 14m only 4m out lol

  5. Latest on Gomez****************** Arsenal are preparing to outbid Liverpool at around the 11m pound mark which for charlton be to good to turn down from a good reliable source wenger desperatly wants the lad and arsenal is the clubs perfered option,if this is the case then expect a loan of either gnarby or akpom who are both strikers and fit the bill.Just passing on reliable info
