Monday 10 August 2015

A few things that need to be sorted

It was a great win against QPR on Saturday, but there are a few organisational points that need to be sorted. First, there was a dearth of programme sellers. One harassed guy was selling programmes in Floyd Road with a long queue and no one anywhere else, until I got into the ground, but you couldn't count on that. Perhaps the club could borrow a few sellers from Voice of the Valley.

I would also rather see the teams and substitutions on the screen than the match itself which we can watch in front of us. The tannoy was inaudible in many parts of the ground, so it was difficult to work out substitutions. It is also useful to have a record of who has got a yellow card.

I also think that the 'Valiant Knight' mascot needs a less cheap looking helmet and also a more impressive sword. It has a rounded end and would be no good for sticking up the backside of a useless lino.


  1. I agree with all that you said about saturday.

  2. I agree too, but I do like the action replays as you cannot see the away end goal too well from the north stand. Maybe good if teams were flashed up periodically. Tannoy seems worse every year, or is it my eyesight??

  3. i also agree with the original post - I can see what is happening on the pitch, I don't need to feel like I'm at home watching my TV. If that's the atmosphere that you want to create forget it. I want the screen to show us replays of goals & near misses. I want to know the names of the opposition that is giving us grief and also the name of our new players. All I heard was muttering of discontent around me on Saturday about who what that player. Please listen to the early rumblings of discontent. This is my first posting and unfortunately it is of a negative vibe when the talk should have been about a good start to our new campaign for the coming season.

  4. I agree, screen should show substitutions, goal scorers, replays and players on field. 0H! AND REAL ALE CHOICES PLEASE.

  5. There could well be a link between not showing the teams on the screen and programme sales. Providing we can manage the trick of employing enough sellers, my guess is sales of programmes will rise if the club aren't going to show the teams.

  6. Agree with all comments about the inadequateness and stupidity of the screen design and content. What a load of old (technology for the sake of it) cobblers. (see similar comments on other blogs e.g. CAFCPICKS)
    Mike Barry

  7. Programme sales took a turn for the worse during last season when the regular seller with their trollies disappeared and were replaced by a few kids wandering around each carrying a few programmes in a bag. I gave up buying programmes then. Saturday should have been a big day for sales as they were also selling the annual club handbook. I only saw two sellers, one in Floyd Road the other inside the ground. Both had long ques, so I bought VOTV insead.

    Today the club have issued an appology for fans who didn't receive their season ticket. Its a poor piece of work, which mainly boasts about the many advantages of the new entry system. I would have more respect for the club if they just said "sorry we got itt wrong". They claim that all were sent out in time, but say there was a "data migration problem" which, it seems me to imply that not all the tickets were sent out. The long queues of people trying to collect replecemnets outside the north stand on Saturday suggest to me that this was a serious problem, but the club still seem to be making light of it.

  8. Yes great game but very valid points here regarding tickets and big screen. It took 90 minutes for a mate to get his kids tickets as their season tickets didn't arrive however it took me 30 seconds to get my ticket on the day from the cash only sales table in Valley Central- well done good idea whoever came up with that. Squad numbers in the middle of the program was also very frustrating when not on the big screen. Really missed the east stand food tents but pleased to see the real ale bar being put in to the old betting shop it's still a waste of time trying to get served at half time from the main outlet.

  9. There was a big problem with the ticket office too. I tried to buy tickets the week if the game and could not get through. I was on hold 3 times for over 40 minutes. The club is never going to sell out games if it is that hard to get a ticket.

  10. I wanted to add my comments about the screen. If this was an experiment showing the live action I think we can all agree that it failed and we’d like to go back to a list of players, substitutes and yellow cards. I’d prefer to give my feedback to the club but there’s no easy way of doing that; it’s a shame we have to use Wyn’s excellent blog as an alternative.
