Saturday 24 October 2015

Thanks, Mr Luzon, for all you tried to do

As my train approached Coventry Station tonight, a passing Addick told me that Guy Luzon had been sacked. In the circumstances, the only appropriate comment is the one I have used in my headline which was the formulation the newsreels used when Neville Chamberlain was replaced as prime minister by Winston Churchill.

With his two assistants gone, it is not clear who takes over in the interim. More crucial is the question of who will replace him. They face a tough challenge.

Luzon said in the programme that he took responsibility for what had gone wrong. He might have had some excuse on Wednesday with a weakened team, but today it was pretty much the first choice players. It was evident that if there was a plan they didn't understand it or were unwilling to execute it.

There's not a lot of point in saying much about the match. For the first fifteen minutes or so, we looked quite good and had three chances to score, but were unable to take any of them. After that, it was downhill all the way. All credit to Brentford who took their goals well and were a real menace on the wing.

We didn't seem to be marking any of their players, whether that was an instruction I don't know, but consequently they had acres of space to operate it.

I don't want to comment on the players because they all seem demoralised and no one had a good game. Simon Makienok was a real disappointment. Tony Watt can carve open defences, but he needs to learn to pass the ball. Morgan Fox was woeful, both in defence and going forward.

I suppose all we can say is that we have hit rock bottom and, hopefully, the only way is up.

The Football League Show featured the game tonight. Malkay Mackay was at the game and they are tipping the former Wigan manager as the new Charlton supremo. Details of the Scot's career are here: Malky Mackay

It is possible, however, that he was there because the manager's position at Brentford is only a temporary one, and speculation has also surrounded a network candidate, Karel Fraeye, Riga's former assistant.

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