Thursday 5 November 2015

CAS Trust questions protest disruption

CAS Trust has issued a statement in response to the club's rather tawdry and last minute decision to create a Family Activity Zone in the West Stand car park on Saturday where some supporters are planning to protest against the current regime at the club: Peaceful protest

Roland has a low opinion of football fans which the protest may simply confirm, although clearly supporters want to show how they feel. The most ingenious idea has come from the Chicago Addick which is to use the Belgian media to embarrass Roland.

There is quite a lot of interest in his activities there, although surprisingly a special Financial Times supplement on Wallonia earlier this week failed to mention him.


  1. reams is right Richard hunt is the plan of this family day I wish he stop medling with our club what does he want league 2 football in a few years let us get on with the protest better still move it behind north

  2. Surely it's time to stop talking and take all forms of direct action open to us?
    Roland may have a low opinion of us, I don't really care, as it cannot be as low as the opinion I have of him!
    It was direct action that got us back to the valley and it’s going to be direct action that will save our club!
    Unfortunately this is a result of the CAS Trust not taking a firm lead. As the leading representative group they should be the focal point of our protest, without which splinter groups are bound to try and take matters in to their own hands!
    Come on CAS Trust ‘let’s be having you’!

  3. Most of his activities I believe are in Flanders, so I suppose this could be why he was omitted.

  4. As posted elsewhere, did you not read the post on Charlton Life from Henry Irving, Quote: "Airman Brown, who isn't an apologist for this regime in case you haven't noticed, says this was planned BEFORE any protest was announced."

    I see no reason why he would make that up. #don'tshootthemessenger
