Wednesday 11 November 2015

Little reassurance

If last night's meeting between Katrien Meire and Richard Murray was supposed to reassure fans and rebuild bridges with them, it doesn't seem to have served that purpose: Fan fury. Of course, the breakdown of trust on both sides has been so extensive that rebuilding it was not going to be easy, at least not without some candid admission of past mistakes and a road map for the future.

Katrien Meire seems to have been particularly exercised by last Saturday's protest by fans which she deemed unacceptable and she asked other fans to stand up to the 'negative' ones. Her views are given at great length here: Not the way do things Some have interpreted this as a 'divide and rule' strategy.

Of course, everyone will have their own interpretation of what was said and I am yet to watch the video of the meeting.

The video of the meeting is not yet available, but I have watched Katrien Meire's strategy presentation. In many ways this was a typical business style presentation, complete with an initial failure of the PowerPoint system to work.

The objectives of moving towards 20,000 attendances and greater fan engagement are laudable, but how are they to be achieved? In the context of fan engagement, the dreaded fan sofa was mentioned when I had hoped it was on its way to the tip.

The best enhancement to my 'matchday experience' would be a better win ratio. The playing budget has apparently gone up by 40 per cent, but there hasn't been a comparable improvement in outcomes. This suggests that some players have not been well chosen or are over paid.


  1. Time now to form a fc or afc club I have been thinking this for a while its quite easily done and could play in black and white at Dartford .The new club could hold a trial day where probably get 100 players turn up willing play for nout lets make this happen come on Charlton fans nows the time for protest and proper action

  2. ive done some research this may be possible the fa allow funding for setting up new clubs also grant and funding fa and football funding etc sites so why dont we do it chaps perhaps rick and seb would like get involved get it off and running we need to let the board know how crap they are running our club empty stadium and packed gate at the new club might get them wake up and smell the coffee action must be done asap

  3. I'm certainly not to watch a non-league club in Dartford, particularly one with Acworth in charge.

  4. u could be worse u may have km in charge lol
