Thursday 12 November 2015

Ramsgate line on Tuesday's meeting

The more I hear from people about the video of Tuesday's meeting, the less I want to spend valuable time watching it. However, Rick Everitt has watched it and does not mince his words: The Ramsgate line

The Rickster says: 'The stark truth is that almost two years on from the takeover, the club is spending more and performing worse, one and off the pitch. It's operating loss has increased. There are complaints from all directions above customer service, while management responds with initiatives - like Saturday’s house music DJ in the north stand bar - that appear to have been taken at random from a junior staff suggestion box.'

Here is a sample comment by a fan: 'The only thing the strategy will do is take us into league one. We need some decent players now, not in three years time and then sell them after 20 odd games to balance the books. Not one person in the room really took issue with the "strategy". Fans rambled on about terms like disenchantment which really wasn't substantiated by why. Just that they felt not included. Lots of bitter supporters with their noses put out of joint because they were no longer "faces" and no longer feel wanted by the club.'


  1. The Voice from Ramsgate gives a very perceptive view of the problems of the administration of our club. The COE's view that discontent supporters are a minority is worryingly deluded. I can't believe that she really thinks that every change of coach/manager has been a positive move. She seems to be well out of her depth in her role and can only hope that she moves on for her own sake as well as the club.


  3. whats the odds harris will redevelop mordern wharf and re house palace their?could happen

  4. So we now know if not the Strategy , then the objectives;

    'To be a competitive Championship Club , with Premiership ambitions ' Taken from the Daily Meire's PowerPoint....

    In short it transpires to Managed decline with ongoing asset stripping.

    The sad thing was to see Richard Murray destroy the last lingering bit of any credibility and the way too easy ride given by the invitees particularly to Meire. Even an 'apology' by one 'fan' .... It needed much more challenge, especially during the juvenile Quality PPT by La Meire.

    How any serious businessman can think she has the competence , presence or maturity to be the CEO of a Football Club must be smoking something.
