Tuesday 24 December 2019

Fake news on Christmas Eve

In my capacity as chair of the Friends of our parish church in Leamington, I was pleased when the Vicar agreed that we could show Life of Brian in the church. We got a lot of national publicity, delighting the diocese and the Vicar was thrilled to be interviewed on Talksport. The point is, of course, that it is a film about fake Messiahs and therefore acceptable.

My idea for Halloween crypt tours was turned down, probably rightly as it is an All Saints Church. Meanwhile, it's happy days for the Vicar as he is about to go on paternity leave, having married a member of the choir.

This morning I woke up to fake news on social media about Lyle Taylor going to Brentford for £1m. It has rightly been denounced by the authoritative Richard Cawley of the SLP.

Cawley said on Twitter: 'These accounts are an absolute ball ache. Pump stuff out there with zero foundation and then it becomes accepted. This is absolutely wrong. Sounds as if East Street Investments saying Lyle isn't for sale in January.'

I am going to Warwick Hospital for a scan this morning. One place you don't get fake news is our excellent NHS for which our youngest works.

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