Friday 17 April 2020

Director answer fans' questions

Director Marian Mihail has answered fans' questions submitted via CAST: What is happening at our club

It is quite a long piece, but here are a few highlights. 'The club is in discussions with our players and the PFA about potential wage deferrals and we are grateful to the players who have been very supportive and constructive in our discussions.' A minimum of four weeks would be needed to get players match fit after the end of the lockdown.

On the registration embargo, 'The club has submitted documents for EFL approval to demonstrate the source and sufficiency of funds. Conversations with the EFL are ongoing and the EFL remain supportive and have informed us what remains outstanding.' In other words, more needs to be provided to satisfy the EFL.

Over 100 people have joined CAST in the last week taking membership to just over 1200.

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