Wednesday 22 April 2020

It's not the 1984 show

It's not 1984 again for Charlton Athletic says VOTV editor Rick Everitt referring to the traumatic events 36 years ago that nearly saw the end of the club: Failure would be one man's choice

Everitt points out that football has been transformed since the 1980s. The EFL is not going to risk damage to its reputation through another Bury type situation. The Rickster reiterates his view that there are two serious potential purchasers.

At the end of the day it's down to one man, our Belgian benefactor Roland Duchatelet, and it's not in his interests to put the Addicks into administration.

All parties have now responded to EFL’s investigation into potential misconduct around the takeover of Charlton Athletic. It’ll be discussed at tomorrow’s EFL board meeting.

The EFL asked Charlton's new 'owners' for proof of funds six times before launching their investigation: EFL probe

Posting from his Ramsgate fastness, Rick Everitt has revealed that the three former Charlton directors have now told ESI, CAFC and Roland Duchatelet that their legal action to reverse the takeover is proceeding. Only Duchatelet's lawyers ever responded to the letter before action. In the latest VOTV Everitt argues that the directors' action offers the best hope of a way forward.

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