Thursday 4 June 2020

CAS Trust are barking up the wrong tree

CAS Trust have stated: 'We need to be ready in case fans have to step up to own the club we love.  Will you join thousands of others and sign-up?'

'We will, of course, keep members informed about the campaign, but it helps the cause if we have many signed up. We don't want to presume to count you in and sometimes we will send out specific updates to those who have signed up and would like to include you.'

The Varney/Barclay potential offer seems a good way forward for the club to me, although ESI are once again playing silly buggers.

As a member of CAS Trust who has not signed up, I will now not receive some updates on what is going on.  Of course, CAS Trust are not asking for any money.   

However, it is not providing funds that worries me.  After all, I have seen investments in start up companies wiped out.  Even so, I could probably only divi up a few k before my family asked what I was doing with their inheritance.  It is the whole concept that is problematic.

I think that the supposedly successful models that are reported are often treated in a very uncritical fashion, while the serious difficulties that have arisen at some clubs are brushed aside.   However, more than specific difficulties,  I think that the whole idea is flawed.

There is a problem about the way football fans are treated and ownerships are transferred, but substituting a different type of owner is not the answer.   More effective regulation is and some interesting ideas about how this might be achieved have been put forward recently.

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