Wednesday 2 September 2020

No appeal allowed against yesterday's ruling

Rick Everitt reports: 'Full cast of characters have turned up for the Charlton consequentials hearing, including Matt Southall and Mohamed El Kashashy.'

Judge Pearce has stated that the court has exercised its judgment, he does not consider that his judgment yesterday was 'irrational' and he has refused a right to appeal. Allowing an appeal would have held up Thomas Sandgaard buying the shares.

Counsel for Elliot complained that Lauren Kreamer had not disclosed that she was a Charlton supporter. She said that she was surprised this point had been raised, but would not waste the court's time on it. The judge says he is surprised that she is a fan and tweeted about the case but has no view on whether she acted inappropriately.

One of the odder aspects of proceedings was the judge consulting the Football League World website. Richard Cawley has pointed out that there are plenty of other quality sites covering South London football.

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