Saturday 16 January 2021

Two fanzines to enjoy

I am waiting for my copy of the latest Voice of the Valley to drop through my letter box, although sometimes it seems to reach the Shetland Addick before it gets to the Royal Spa.

Now we have a second fanzine to enjoy, My Only Desire, which promises an exclusive interview with Graham Stuart.   It is more expensive than VOTV.

The presence of two fanzines is a sign of the vigour and commitment of the fanbase.  At one time Goodbye Horse edited by Kevin Portch ran alongside VOTV.

Congratulations to Charlton stalwart Garry Nelson on his 60th birthday.   Difficult to think of him as that age, I remember his scoring a winning goal at Luton.  Enjoyed both his books, the one on Charlton and the one on being player-manager at Torquay.

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