Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Curbs feeling like a hero at Upton Park

Alan Curbishley is feeling like a hero at Upton Park according to an interview in The Times: Curbs

Many Charlton fans always thought that his true allegiance was with the Hampsters. But we have to remember that managers and players are hired hands. They are never fans and never feel about the club the way that fans do. How many of us have a deep emotional attachment to our employer?

What did Alan Curbishley do for us? Well he got us promoted twice and established us as a mid-table Premiership club. Towards the end things started to go stale, but then he never had £12m to spend.

Anyway, it's all water under the bridge. Now we have Super Alan Pardew. Like any manager, he has made a few mistakes. But by changing things round against Ipswich he showed his skills.


  1. Forty years of supporting Charlton and when we were playing in front 4000 in the old Third Division, if someone had said to me Charlton will be playing top-flight football for six years I would have called for the white men in coats. Curbs not only achieved promotion twice, he kept us
    in the premiership, which is an even greater achievement.

  2. But his being loyal to players that were not good enough cost us a prem place. His tactics were a joke and the play we had to watch was bloody awful,,,and lets not forget he was behind the signings of Hasslebank , Faye and Treore who he tired to sign before he left...

  3. If the board were daft enough to buy players on the recommendation of an outgoing manager then it suggests a lack of business acumen on their part rather than the fault of AC.

  4. To suggest that Curbs should be held responsible in any way for our losing our Premiership place is crazy. As you say, it went stale towards the end and yes, unfortunately he wasn't perfect. But in Charlton terms hero status doesn't come close.

  5. Reference North downs comment .... White men in coats - surely not

  6. Just shows you what can be written when your in a rush. Men in white coats more appropriate and of course politically correct.

  7. I always laugh when people say "so and so has taken as far as he can, he cannot take us to the next level". The sort of statement people never used to make, but because some pundit used it everyone thinks like they sound like an expert spouting this meaningless waffle - we know where the next level was always likely to be for a club like Charlton and we at are that level now. Curbs worked wonders - in terms of our resources we probably finished higher than we should have in every single season he was manager including the relegation season 1998/99. I got bored with plenty of the performances in his last year or so, but the most exciting football in my time was in the days of Killer and Paddy in Division Three would I want to be back there? No way
