Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Am I bothered?

I'm now back from Essex and the Sainsbury's basement bunker in High Holborn, but cannot summon the energy or enthusiasm at the moment to reflect on Charlton's match against the Baggies. This feeling has been reinforced by a timely reminder that blogs are subject to the law of defamation.

That of itself is a disincentive to blog, but I may find myself subject to new constraints soon anyway. The possibility of adopting a new role in life has been on the back burner for some time, but now appears to be undergoing a revival. After all these years, it's just possible I may find myself working in London again.

When I was travelling down to Essex, two chavettes got on the train at Basildon. This was about mid-morning, but it soon became evident from their loud conversation that they had been at an all night party. Most of it is not repeatable on a family blog, but I was interested to learn that some Essex boys insist on wearing their trainers in bed.

After a while, one of them said (in an appropriate Estuary accent), 'Some people say I talk posh. Do I talk posh? Do you think I'm posh?' I suppose she was posh in the sense that when Kate Nash affects an Estuary accent for her songs (as distinct from the classless accent she has in interviews), the result might still be considered 'posh'. Thus, Nash renders 'bitter' as 'bittah' just as these young women rendered 'daughter' (when discussing what to tell their mothers) as 'daughtah'.

What has this got to do with football? Absolutely nothing. But it avoids me having to think about Friday, particularly given that Good Friday somehow always seems to be an unlucky day for me. A devout Christian might say that that is a consequence of my lack of observance. However, in the Midlands, Good Friday (which is not a bank holiday) is a normal working day, certainly in the kinds of manufacturing activities that are found in the Black Country.

No doubt, however, the Baggies will turn out in force to reinvigorate their promotion campaign and make use of the acoustics of the Jimmy Seed to collect their three points. Perhaps by tomorrow I will have found some grounds for optimism.


  1. Wyn,
    In all the years I have been reading your reports, I don't think I can recall you sounding as pessimistic as you have in the last few reports. Cheer up, this seasons nearly over and you can look forward to another enthralling campaign in August!

  2. Cor dear Wyn. Have a good nights sleep!

  3. Can you elaborate on the comment about blog defamation? Thanks.

  4. Wyn

    for what its worth I usually look at your blog before any other because its readable, interesting and more current on Addick related matters than any other. In other words it brings pleasure to my life, and I suspect hundreds of others on a daiy basis.

    (I suspect that the same might be said of those two Essex girls..)

    I know others will shoot me down in flames, but we have a superb stadium, a fan base that is the envy of most league clubs, a good manager, some good players, and an outstanding Board of Directors. And we are still playing every week - there are times if we wondered if that would be so.

    Keep yer "peckah" up mate - there's a lot of people out here rooting for you.

    Pembury Addick

  5. Wyn,

    I have to agree with the other comments. I read your blog on a regular basis, and even though I have never met you and we probably only have cafc, politics and a small love of poetry in common (this list was meant to be short!), i absolutely trust and value your opinions and views.

  6. I have to be careful what I say about defamation issues (I have just been talking to a lawyer). However, it does not relate to a football blog or to anything I wrote myself. It is just a useful reminder that the blogosphere is not beyond the civil law.
