Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Summer speculation starts early

It's a cold, foggy November like morning here in the Midlands but the summer transfer speculation is already under way with the Addicks being linked with Robert Earnshaw: Gossip

I know that a lot of Addicks rate him, but for me he is one of those promising players who has always been on the fringe of being a real class act. I'm far from sure that bringing another striker is in where we should start rebuilding.


  1. he's useless , I'd rather have Lisbie back .
    They shouldn't have let him go , I thought it was a mistake , it was a case of the crowd picking the team.

  2. If the crowd picked the team it would look something like this:

    GK: Steve Brown
    Defs: Moo2kil, Rufus, Paddy, Powell
    Mids: Kinsella, Holland, Gritt, Colin Powell
    For: Hales, Varney

  3. I agree, let's get some service from midfield to our current crop of strikers, including Dickson and Todorov and see what they can do. Midfield has to be the priority.

  4. Whatever they do just - just stop messing around with the team so much during the season. We seem to have individual players who are way above the standard for this division - but who are unable to play together in a sustained fashion for more than 20/30 minutes. How can you introduce young players into a team with no settled pattern whatsoever.

    Also need to do something about finishing - we lead the league by miles in shots off target.

    I'd put a clause in Pardew's contract knocking £100k per player off his salary for the total number of players in a season in excess of 20. Wouldn't be a bad thing to have the same clause in Capello's contract either.

  5. I like your team CA - wonder if we can have a word with AP before saturday. I'm sure he'd see sense.....

    Pembury Addick
