Monday, 1 September 2008

Cranie set to come to The Valley

Portsmouth full back Martin Cranie is set to come to The Valley on loan according to various sources. The Addicks have beaten off attempts to secure his signature by Coventry City and QPR. He will join Linvoy Primus at The Valley, although Primus will only be with us until December 1st. As far as I can gather from reports that reached me in Boston, this was a classic on off saga.

The pleasures of a week in Massachusetts, including a stay on an ex-Brit's 170 acre estate in New Hampshire with its 1790 farmhouse and a very enjoyable reception at the British Consulate, were somewhat offset by the text messages I received about the sacrifice of the 1-0 penalty lead against Preston. Let's hope we're not going to see a pattern of poor away performance.

Leamington, meanwhile, have won all their opening five matches.


  1. Probably unrealistic, but I can live with the away performances matching Preston, if the home performances are like Reading. Premier League I don't really care, exciting football at the Valley with lots of goals --- bring it on

  2. What is our manager playing at?Central midfielder playing on the wing.Other midfielder ending up at full back.Has he not learned anything from last season?I despair of the man.

  3. Is nothing straightforward with Charlton?Sky report season long loan for Craine and the CAFC site says it is to end of 2008.Communications at CAFC need looking at.We appear so amaturish at times,with strretwise clubs runnin rings round us.What now happens to the Chinaman?

  4. Along with all other supporters i accept CAFC are in a financially perilous position.
    However, we have only two Central Defenders. No club can go through a season like this.
    Bringing in a young 'defender' (who is still getting back to full fitness following a broken leg) for three months, is not going to resolve this squad deficiency. Nor is briging in an old defender for three months, or is six months or maybe three weeks or perhaps not at all, going to be much use.
    We needed to buy someone in on a permanent deal. Failure to do so could cost much more.
