Saturday, 2 October 2010

Millwall shares 'not worth the paper they are printed on'

The Financial Times has declared Millwall shares 'not worth the paper they are printed on' as the New Cross club finalises plans to convert every 100,000 shares into one new share. The Pink 'Un compares the shares with Reichmark bills from Weimar Germany or Zimbabwean dollars: Millwall

The Spanners have issued twice as many shares as BP. Shareholders who lose their holding will receive 'a certificate of appreciation'. Perhaps it will carry the club's informal slogan: 'No one likes us, we don't care.'


  1. At least they will have some value which is more than can be said for CAFC PLC. And boy oh boy that hurt.

  2. clutching at straws aren't you, to console yourself for supporting the lowest placed London club in the league lol
