Friday, 8 February 2013

Voice of the Valley is back

Rick from Ramsgate, Editor in Chief

There has been some mystery surrounding the whereabouts of Rick Everitt since his enforced departure from The Valley last autumn. He has been seen at games, but there have also been rumours of a forlorn figure riding his bike on the highways and byways of the Isle of Thanet in a search for gainful employment.

However, it now appears that he has been beavering away with the help of his elves on the return of Charlton fanzine Voice of the Valley. It will be on sale outside The Valley tomorrow and can also be purchased online. The cover pays tribute to departed Addicks historian Colin Cameron, and I may have something in it myself if it has survived the editor's blue pencil. More here: Voice of the Valley.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope it's all uplifting and positive for our club, eh?
