Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Jacko makes the top fifty

Johnnie Jackson is the one Charlton player to make a list of the top fifty Football League players in the latest issue of Four Four Two. I might add that one shouldn't take these lists too seriously and the methodology behind them is also suspect: I speak as someone who once made it on to a list in the Sunday Express of the 500 most influential people in Britain which led to a lot of interesting banter on the lines of where and how I might exercise my influence.

The description of Jacko is, however, interesting: 'Jackson has matured slowly, having spent much of his early career playing for Spurs' reserves, but the versatile Londoner - who initially signed for Charlton on a one-month loan from Notts County in 2010 - has flourished at The Valley, where he is now captain. Although not the standout player to the extent that he was in League One last season, his versatility, tireless running [shome mishtake shurely?] and ability to rally the troops means he's still Charlton's main man.

'"Johnnie leads by example and you look for that in a captain," says manager Chris Powell. Jackson looks settled, too, having recently signed an extension to his contract.'

'Did you know? Jackson cemented his place as a fans' favourite after buying a train carriage full of Charlton fans a drink.'

I was a bit surprised that Chris Solly didn't even make 'the best of the rest' list while Leon Clarke was highly placed in the main list. If there was a 'most improved' or 'steepest learning curve' award, I would give it to Bradley Pritchard.

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