Friday, 11 October 2013

Jimenez loses Wise court case

The following brief item has appeared on the Daily Mail website: 'Dennis Wise has won a claim for return of £500,000 from former Charlton co-owner Tony Jimenez at the High Court. The former Chelsea captain handed over the sum of money in July 2007 as part of a £23million plan to buy the "beautiful" Les Bordes site in the Loire Valley but wanted it back, after he claimed promises had been broken.' Les Bordes is a golf course.

Penelope Reed QC, sitting as Deputy Judge, said: 'I consider that Mr Jimenez received the sum of £500,000 from Mr Wise for a specific purpose and he has not satisfied me on a balance of probabilities that he has fulfilled that purpose. In those circumstances he held that £500,000 on trust for Mr Wise. As he no longer holds those monies he is liable to pay equitable compensation to Mr Wise in the sum of £500,000 together with interest from December 4 2007.'

The actual hearing was in June and more about that can be found here: Court case. Rather bafflingly, reference is made to a meeting to sort things out between the two parties in 'a baker in Baker Street.' This seems rather an odd location, given that Baker Street is replete with cafés which I have used myself for football-related meetings.

It is unclear why Jimenez is referred to as the 'former' co-owner of Charlton. Either it is a mistake or they know something we don't.

Wise and Jimenez were part of the so-called 'Cockney mafia' brought in to run Newcastle United. More about the 'respected international businessman' resident in Cyprus and Dubai here: Jimenez

1 comment:

  1. The club statement on the matter refers to Jiminez as co-owner, so I guess unless he's offered to pay Wise in Charlton shares he is still that.
