Friday, 3 January 2014

Free of timewasters at last

Retiring Charlton director Tony Jiminez says that he and his fellow directors were plagued by time wasters over the last few months as several offers were made for the club. Jiminez pays a warm tribute to Chris Powell: Jiminez

However, Jiminez does not make any reference to Jonathan Acworth despite his efforts to set up a deal from his bijou flat in Greenwich. Acworth's letter to the Belgian beginning 'Bon jour monsieur, c'est votre ami Jonathan Acwoth qui parle' is regarded as a masterpiece of Franglais.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has tweeted a warm welcome to new owner Roland Duchatelet, leading one local blogger to speculate that, given that such a welcome was not given to other buyers, perhaps the question of a move to the Peninsula will be raised.

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