Saturday, 15 March 2014

Give your views on the takeover

A variety of views have been expressed on the recent takeover of Charlton. I realise that those who visit this blog and answer a survey are not a representative cross-section of Charlton supporters. Nevertheless, a survey may give some idea of what supporters think: Survey


  1. Completed the survey. Mostly wait and see. Chris Powell is a great character but RD should settled with CP in January. There was no option on that question for that. So did don't know.

    I will wait and see regarding renewing my season ticket and occasionally after that if RD vision is not up to the mark in terms of investment / values. Will always be a Charlton supporter to the end of my days. Its up to RD in terms of level of involvement in what he does next.

    Good work on the putting link up.

  2. Colchester John15 March 2014 at 12:16

    'Time,' as Roland says, 'will tell'. I do wonder, though, whether much of the current negativity is fair. Much as we all love Chris Powell, few, if any, managers would have survived the current league table position, and if he was so utterly opposed to the new owner's long-term strategy, staying was surely not an option.

    I can't help wondering, too, whether the sale of YK and DS was quite the disaster that some are suggesting. Ajdarevic looks better to me than Dale ever did, and Reza and Parzyszek seem forward-looking signings. I even wonder, for that matter, whether dear old Yohan the goalie has been given quite a fair crack of the whip as yet.

    As for the manager, I have a surprisingly good feeling about him. He's certainly a very likeable bloke if first appearances are anything to go by, and the disaster I was fully anticipating against Huddersfield never materialised. On the contrary, I found myself genuinely heartened by the way we played, especially over the first half hour or so. Some creative use of the loan market and who knows!

    Having said all that, a three nil defeat at Millwall today may leave me feeling a lot less perky. Les Reed anyone?

  3. Ow many goals ave them loanees scored since they came dahn our gaff compared to Kermogant n Stephens. Why did the old board not allow Chris to sign players who could've elped ourn stay up likeMeyler, Quinn, Baldock n Ammond who all ended up goin dahn other gaffs. Sackin Chris Powell iss a dissgrace n thass all there is to it, n remind me wot was the result against QPR under CP's managin.

  4. Give them a chance,Powell was lost for ideas and a spent penny. Got us up from Div 1 with the highest player budget in the league, then momentum as always happens with winning team gave us a great second season,but then as happens to a lot of young managers time caught up with him and showed his flaws, bad tactics,bad team selection and cautious football and we ended up bottom under his stewardship.He is a nice guy,no question but if he was Billy Big never played for the club he would have gone last year,thats a fact. So please everyone give up the Powell is God shit and support the new guy ,onwards and upwards, Duchatalet didn't buy a Club to throw money down the drain and their are plenty of managers in football working under similar conditions of owner /director of football having their say at Southampton,WBA,Swansea,Watford,Spurs,Chelsea,Liverpool and more.
