Monday, 19 May 2014

Riga's fate to be decided soon

Jose Riga's future at Charlton will be decided this week, just two months after he joined the Championship club, reports the Evening Standard. The 56-year-old will hold talks with owner Roland Duchatelet in Belgium and those meetings will determine whether he continues as manager. Riga's future is uncertain because his contract expires this summer and Duchatelet is considering other candidates.

An announcement on any decision is likely to be delayed until next week.


  1. straight liege swap their boss for our boss see if im right jonathan acworth

  2. You usually talk out of your arse John. I hope you are this time.

  3. Robin Peterson (not the one who plays for Surrey)20 May 2014 at 10:07

    At least JA has the decency to put his name to his comments

  4. thanks robin im only passing on info which is doing the rounds i would like riga to stay hes the best thing to have happened to the club for a long time.But i think their is something going on at leige rd doesnt seem to convinced on the leige boss,who i think will be sacked if leige dont qualify for europe.Reams has stated several times on into the valley site over the season to watch out for the leige boss who is a good manager by all accounts and could bring in some of the players from leige.I for one want riga to stay as if he stays i think positive things will happen at cafc for the next few seasons ahead.

    jonathan acworth

    and ps that previous comment not very nice dont insult u on a forum dont do it to others have a word wym

  5. Anonymous - I'm far more ashamed to have hate filled supporters like you associated with CAFC than JA. Let everyone have their opinion without the need for insults on what is an excellent blog.

  6. Richard cawley slp editor says in a tweet this morning quote expectations is that riga wont be back so who told u lot first the news ..i think one poster on here owes me an apology if im correct

    jonathan acworth

  7. thanks to the poster above for your kind words

    jonathan acworth

  8. Well, JA, despite the insults, you were pretty much spot on.

  9. thanks brian i do try and give u the best info when i get it i still think will get leige boss come next season jonathan acworth
