Sunday, 25 January 2015

Charlton are a second rate Watford

That is the claim made by the Football League Paper makes today in article illustrated by a cartoon of the now famous revolving door at The Valley. The network model can work, the paper argues, if it is done properly, as it is at Watford, but not at Charlton.

The paper reckons that Roland Duchatelet saw Watford's 'foreign loanees waltz through the Championship. He saw them change managers with no apparent dip in performance. He saw them pushing for the Premier League and saw the riches at the end of the rainbow. He thought, "I'll have some of that.'"' [I'm not sure that Roland has ever given a moment's thought to Watford, but the argument is interesting nevertheless].

'Unfortunately, he failed to factor in some crucial differences. Like the fact that Pozzo also owns Udinese and Granada. One play in Serie A. The other is in La Liga. Or that the Italian employs more dedicated scouts than any other owner in world football. Not only is that a powerful, well-connected network, it has also been running like clockwork for 20 years. The upshot is a pool of players that Watford - or any other Championship club - could under normal circumstances neither attract nor afford.'

Listing Roland's clubs, the FLP says, 'Equating that ropey stable to Pozzo's resources is like comparing Steptoe and Son's backyard to a Swiss bank vault. Is it any wonder that almost every player Duchatelet has imported has proved unfit for purpose? This season has shown signs of improvement, but it is not like Yoni Buyens or an ageing Tal Ben Haim would walk into any Championship team.'

'Duchatelet's formative system has nothing to offer Charlton. That's not to say it won't in the future. The theory is proven. Right now Charlton need either investment in players or - as is happening - youth development. But that will not bear fruit without stability.'

Noting that managers are Charlton are changed like a broken light bulb, the paper argues that Roland needs to stop aping Watford's tendency to jettison managers.


  1. Never mind, we will all be made up when Roly buys up, Real Madrid, Barcelona, PSV and Bayern, then you will see the pieces of the master plan start to fall into place. Ye of little faith, you Doubting Thomas's COYR.

  2. The view that the Pozzos 'jettison' managers is somewhat skewed. Both Zola and Sannino walked and Garcia reluctantly resigned due to ill health. The only head coach the Pozzos removed was Billy McKinley after a two game reign that they openly admitted they had made a mistake in his appointment.

  3. An excellent and pertinent comparison There really is a lot to be said for this model of ownership but the calibre of RD's network is befitting of a League 1 or 2 side, not a Championship club. Udinese are widely regarded to have the best scouting system in world football and a network system works perfectly in the interests of all the clubs. It allows a small club like Udinese to purchase a huge squad of promising players which helps balance their books by selling the world class talents they develop and shipping out players of true potential to other top teams. RD is just shifting deadwood from one of his clubs to another which is in the interests of none of his clubs. Sadly, this is the best we can do until a more appealing suitor rears their head.

  4. Jonathan Acworth said.
    The Footyball League Paper needs a punch up the bracket. And Chris Waddles son Terry is aving a trill that's right, thoughts and discuss, T.WADDLE please.

  5. After regularly watching League 1 highlights, cup games and seeing Bradford beat the Poole. I'm not sure some of the networks castoffs would get a game at that level.

  6. As Art Johnson, wearing a German helmet, used to say on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In, the FLP article is 'interesting, but stupid.'

  7. Standard Liege have some nice fans:

    I bet Guy Luzon was glad to get away from this although maybe we could have a similar banner for ex-players to get them red carded....?

  8. The Pozzo's have been nothing short of outstanding for Watford but the above comment about Billy McKinlley being the only manager they have let go isn't quite correct. A certain Sean Dyche was released at the outset and has gone on to do reasonably well elsewhere!
