Friday, 16 January 2015

Jewell was contender for Charlton job

Tony Pulis has revealed that Paul Jewell was one of the contenders for the vacancy at Charlton: Paul Jewell

Reliable sources are indicating that Jewell was one of the short listed candidates. It is not clear whether candidates were interviewed or there was simply a sift of applications.

In a number of ways Jewell - if he had been appointed - would have been the polar opposite of Luzon. He knows English football, especially the Championship. He won three promotions with Bradford and Wigan and got the latter to the League Cup Final.

Admittedly, his standing has waned somewhat as he was unsuccessful at his last two clubs (Derby and Ipswich) and has been out of the game for the last couple of years. However, he would have been an interesting choice, although his linguistic skills in French and Flemish are unknown.



  2. Now their is a dilemma !!

    Would that appease all the moaners and groaners , if we had appointed Jewell as the new Charlton Manager ??? Sounds exactly like the type of manager many supports were demanding and perhaps katrien was indeed telling the truth but her integrity would not allow her to reveal by name who had applied ! The plot thickens

  3. RD doesn't do managers - he is the manager. And he isn't going to appoint a British manager, those days are gone. He redeploys coaches from other parts of his empire. It's a different concept.

  4. Was that Jimmy or Paul

    Jewelll...Both are comedians

    Let us be thankful for Luzon, his English is better and he certainly has a better taste in women.

  5. You've got to feel sorry for Paul Jewell if he believed he was actually in with a shout and left WBA . There was only ever going to be one acceptable candidate , the others were called to make up the numbers


  6. Jewell is not the future. Luzon who knows. But why would an owner and business man appoint a basket case of a manager?

  7. .....perhaps he has..! We'll find out in the coming weeks.
    How can someone RD sacked a few weeks ago suddenly be good enough to manage another part of the empire?

  8. ".........although his linguistic skills in French and Flemish are unknown."

    I have often struggled to understand him when he spoke in English.

  9. GL doesn't have a work permit yet so will not manage the team on Saturday. The club imply that the permit will arrive next week, but its just possible that a permit will not be granted. If that should happen I wonder who would want the job knowing that Rd really wanted someone else ?
