Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Luzon unfazed by Charlton challenge

Guy Luzon is unfazed by the challenge of managing Charlton despite the rapid turnover of managers at The Valley and the fact that he has already been given the boot once by Roland: The Calm Man

I am a bit surprised the claim that other candidates were interviewed given the speed of the appointment, but perhaps Acworth was given a cursory interview.

The Supporters' Trust have issued a statement expressing their disappointment at the way in which the managerial appointment was handled and presented to fans: Misleading?

Luzon will have a baptism of fire against Watford. It would have been a difficult fixture whoever was in charge.


  1. Was Nero calm when Rome burned?
    I think we need tactics,more players and a motivated manager, calm is not a quality we need.

  2. By all reported accounts it was quite an embarrassing press conference.
    KM enhanced her present reputation by suggesting that Luzon could be the next Sir Alex. That's a laugh but we should be externally grateful fo Ferguson for relieving us of Ralph Milne during his initial unsuccessful years at Man Utd all those years ago !
    The statements from the Club on this whole issue have been an insult to one's inteliigence.Never underestimate the plebs. They can remove a Government from power at General Elections

  3. Referring to my earlier post I meant to state eternally and not externally grateful ! My apologies !

  4. what a complete an utter shambles this is turning into.

    lies,lies and even more lies from those who pretend to run this club,i get the feeling we the fans ain't wanted and our views are not important,well we beg to differ,roly could not run a jolly boys outing let alone a football club,yes he's a very good businessman but when it comes to a football club then im sorry to say he's way out of his league,if he thinks a new pitch and some second rate playes from around his network will keep us quiet then he's so wrong,i cant see happening at the valley as what happen in belgium with the fans there but i and my family will be making this our last season coming to the valley,untill he either sells the club to someone with football knowlwdge or he makes better decisions regarding our club,so im sorry to say after 47 years of supporting the team we all love then its good bye cafc as i wont support a man who know's nothing and worse still dont care.

    good luck to those who stay but im one of those who wont be renewing their season tickets or one of those that pay on the day.

    with any luck i'll be returning when this farce is over and done with.

  5. Charlton have been part of my life for 57 years. But right now I feel like a member of the family has died.
    As a club we never had much money, but we did have integrity and we did have honesty. The contrast with the Chris Powell era couldn't be greater: then there was involvement; now nothing.

  6. URGENT APPEAL.....Can the last supporter PLEASE turn out the light and lock the door on your way home !!!
    Charlton were a club built on integrity and honesty and once again the hopes and wishes of the fans are being ignored as we stream roller into division 1 and I'm not joking !!!!

  7. Anyone watched press conference on youtube.
    Richard Murray stated all the other people involved at training ground staying ,Luzon came on his own. Well thats good then Richard another Manager they don't know to tell them what to do,different from last two guys,what a joke.This is not continuity its stress making for guys in place,keep changing their boss every five minutes. You never had a clue and you still haven't,since Curbishley left you have been Chairman to Dowie,Reed, Pardew,Parkinson,Powell,Riga,Peeters and now Luzon, great job, when you gonna step away and stop clinging to the past.

  8. Although I have to agree with your comments to a degree you have to bear in mind that if Mr Murray does decide to step down and take the money he's owed,It wouldn't look good for our future.

  9. Allo! Allo!
    Ah oui
    Le Clube Charlatan 2015
    I hav erd of them, yes! Cost monkey nuts and and I give them everything, not one but three coaches, a new name, grass and Sir Alex. And yet their fans they remain so ungracious. I spit of their fans.
    Why you ask, non of your business, who are you anyway ah! Luzon, I thought I fired you. Never mind get your sack. Avouir

  10. I wrote the last one and I was defending the regime last week you can only take so much.

  11. To whoever it was who suggested that the last person leaving the Valley turns the lights out. I would like to say that will be Jonathan Ackworth, the next manager of Charlton. But then again unlikely, as he is English.

  12. Ah That must be JA or JA2 because he means, deserting rats as opposed to the WW2 heroes. Why are you anon, now JA. If you don't get the coach's job Shepherd Neame are looking for an Entertainments Manager. Is Maj. Frank Burns your Dad?

  13. Apologies if not it's hard to tell the difference from someone deliberately being funny and JA.

  14. KM says Charlton " fans have to accept how we run the club". Well I'm sorry Miss. Firstly I'm not a fan and your not a boy band, I'm a supporter. Next you 'have to accept' because you are paid to be another of Roland's stooges. I don't have to merely because I've supported the club for most of my life. I can choose to turn my back, without loss of any income. They just don't get it, or is it a language and culture thing.
    Disgusted and retired of Herne Bay.

  15. I'm 57 and a fourth-generation Charlton supporter. I don't accept how the club is being run. That is not my problem, it is the club's problem.

  16. Re: desert rats it's not JA. Just admiring the English trait of using humour to overcome disappointments in the posts before.

  17. Someone said if Murray stepped down it wouldn't be good for our future , why? He has done nothing good since Curbishley left and has no influence now hanging on like a jilted lover hoping one day his love will come back. Sad to see cannot live in the past for ever move on mate

  18. I was the person who posted about Richard Murray....I can't be definite about how much he's invested in the Club but if he decided to leave it would have a major impact on the Club finances....I'd be careful what you wish for. I think he's the only steadying influence on the board.
