Friday, 30 January 2015

Massive takeover

Sheffield Wednesday have been taken over by a Thai tuna tycoon. The new owners are expected to aggressively fund a bid to gain promotion to the Premiership: Sheffield Wedensday.

It makes our network model look a bit down market.


  1. All sounds a bit fishy to me!

  2. I have been trawling the net about this story but can't land any further details. I await with baited breath.

  3. Watch this splaice!

  4. Lets just hope they don't have to change their stip to hoops and wear fishnet socks!!

  5. Sheffield took the bait...hook, line and sinker !!!

  6. I hope they don't get stitched up like a kipper as well.

  7. i have to get contacting my people again wont i get one even better than theirs i do hate belgium now with a passion

  8. Thai owners have sometimes come with their own problems in recent times. Let's not be too quick to wish for something other than we currently have. Soyez calme, mes braves.

  9. Thanks for all the fish jokes. I suppose it will be the players that John West rejects that will make Wednesday the best.

  10. My people will be contacting your people about those people and then we'll have a word with them, then. In the meantime don't get too downhearted, as they (the Belgies) make lovely chocolates emm!
