Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Rotherham win brings new bout of doom and gloom

Rotherham's 4-2 win over Bolton last night has brought a new bout of doom and gloom among some of the Addickted. If Derek from Dymchurch wasn't occupied with campaigning for Ukip, he would have gone into overdrive.

Bolton were no doubt affected by their exertions in securing a draw at Liverpool. As for Rotherham, although their confidence will have got a boost, they may now be over confident and Charlton may be able to grind the Millers down.

After last Saturday's draw at Wolves, there were a lot of gloomy comments about individual players. However, if you look at the Football League Paper scores, a different picture emerges. The lowest score was 6 for Veljkovic on his Addicks debut. Tal Ben Haim got a rare 9 for single handedly dealing with every ball Wolves threw into the box. Everyone else got a 7, apart from the much criticised Morgan Fox who 'dealt well with La Parra, one crucial second half block epitomising a solid display.' So perhaps things aren't as bad as everyone thinks.

Top fan Jonathan Acworth doesn't think so. He has been in touch with Britain's wealthiest man, the Duke of Westminster, whom he proclaims to be a Charlton fan and ready to invest in the club.

However, this may be a smoke screen. Now identified as a royal descendant, and in receipt of a letter from the Queen, Acworth's real target may be the Duke of Edinburgh. It is a little known fact that among his many titles is Baron Greenwich. He just has to be an Addick.


  1. I think your tongue is firmly in your cheek today Wyn, is it satire. I'm glad to see ambasador Acworth is diligently working within the establishment. Using his NOB,LE connections to promote a fine British institution called, 'Carry on Charlton". You couldn't make it up, is it the next "Bend it Like Beckham,' type movie. Keep an eye out for the Duke and Lord Lucan at the Valley!
    I'm also hoping something else's going on abroad that's off the UK transfer radar.

  2. well we got at least try havent we ive contacted 6 the other week so waiting here get any replies back im going give a few of them ago in the royal household but last time i tried they said royals cannot own an english football club due to british laws set by fifa yet its alright by spain real madrid to be owned by their royal family aint it!

    what about contacting lee ryan from blue or karl howman they must know a few good contacts

  3. Real=Royal in Spanish.
    Royal Madrid, who else would own it? Does what it says on the tin doesn't it. ????

  4. I know a Doctor Who may be able to help.

  5. The difficulty of those February fixtures is what piles the pressure on now. We have some good players too who just need to find their MOJO baby! COYR.
