Sunday, 18 January 2015

Shell shocked

That's the only way to describe my reaction to yesterday's defeat at Watford. I didn't feel able to write anything yesterday. Needless to say, we are now bottom of the form table.

I didn't expect to win at Watford after the events of last week, but what was evident was that the players were completely demoralised. Earlier in the season we had a rock hard defence, but Bikey and Talal Ben Haim both had poor games. Ben Haim has, of course, been associated with rumoured moves to Israeli clubs and to Celtic.

The last 5-0 defeat was at West Ham on Boxing Day in the Premier League. According to Matt Wright in the last Voice of the Valley Curbs couldn't be stopped writing about it in the programme for months afterwards, so humiliated did he feel.

'Luzon: I'm no Valley Fall Guy is the headline in today's Football League Paper. He says, 'In professional football you must get results and if you don't have the ability and the quality to bring the result, you must go home. Football is my life, it's my passion and I will do everything I can to bring a lot of passion to create a result. I hope that when every game has finished, the fans know that Charlton have worked 100 per cent and given everything.'

Unfortunately, it may need a bit more than passion but also some strengthening of the squad from outside the network. Hopefully, Roland will have realised this while watching the live stream in his bunker.

Fans are understandably demoralised and, unfortunately, divided. We have had some dark days at Charlton, but all we can do is try and rally round.


  1. Now will be a real test of the fans, players, management and board to address the problems before the inevitable happens...Jorge Costa next ???

  2. we got get this twat out rd that is im doing everything I can with my contacts see if I can get some interes going to make a serious bid this time for rd I want him out with a passion now the bloke is destroying us and liege full stop how did he survive the fit and proper directors test is beyond me the fa are to blame for this

  3. Ackworth your use of the phrase full stop is quite ironic, given that not one is used in that rant. Your legendary contacts are not what we need right now (though i accept Roland is not what we need either). FA are not to blame you fool. Jimmenez & Slater & Murray sold out, so you can blame them if you wish. The clubs been on a downward spiral since Curbs went - thats clear. Whilst I get the passion from supporters no-one seems to have a concrete, logical or workable plan to get to a better place. Mores the pity

  4. We are still alive and kicking, although our lifeboat seems to have a few big holes in it. We will see a different Charlton at Wolves next week, although, to be honest, I'm not expecting the result to be all that different, given the respective recent form of the two clubs. We will stabilise eventually but it may take a home game or two to do it. After almost 60 years of following and watching Charlton, I can wait a little longer, but I must admit that even my patience is wearing a little thin. COYR!

  5. Hugely disappointed again. What we have is definitely better than Jimenez et all. We now need to pull together and hope we survive this season and move forward next.

  6. JA - I guess I shouldn't bother responding, but RD would never fail the fit and proper person test. He earned his money legally, has no tax or legal problems and he has no debts. In many ways he looks like an ideal owner, it's his ideas and management of the network and ridiculous chopping and changing of management that are winding us all up. IMO, he has sacked three managers who were doing alright. Maybe Luzon will be a disaster but right now we don't know that.

  7. We are back in a relegation battle again and it starts right now. It's not longer the bad luck, injury assisted losing streak of the end of BP's era. It's turned into strong decline with some unacceptable performance levels by a demoralised team. If there's no change, CAFC are going down.
    I can't stand all this RD network Belgium incompetent nonsense, but that's what we've got. RD, good or bad, is a one man band. I suspect he doesn't feel comfortable or knowledgeable enough to make informed decisions about English coaches or players and he's is going to do it his way.
    The coach is what we've got, the only things that can save us are. 1. a massive player cash injection, (not going to happen). 2. A Curb's (LIKE) Director of Football with Championship knowledge. Part time if skint. Unless RD wises up and grows a pair, by that I mean EARS we haven't got a prayer, but if he does and adapts? Prey, COYR.

  8. I think the only thing we supporters can do is petition RD/CAFC to employ a DOF with Championship experience. Christ it's not like we need to tell him who to employ. If that was the case I could understand a resistance to his authority after putting his dosh on the line. Someone started a petition to get Curbs back as manager, through a newspaper, so it can be done. Doe's anyone agree and know how this could be done, if you agree, any good ideas.

  9. We don't want Curbs back he was great once, but he is past his sell by date.

    Just look what happened when the lengendry George Graham tried to make his comeback after many years, it was a total disaster!

    We need a quality manager who knows hwo to get the best out of the team, whilst also entertaining the troops!

    Riga was one such manager, even the players wanted him and I know for fact that they expressed their views to the management, but unfortuntely Roland doesn't even listen to them!!!

  10. sorry not the fas faught these twats appointed slater and jaminez and then allowed rd cause its their faught so how come the leeds owner failed the test why didn't the fa stop these clowns from taking over then at ours?

  11. There will be a cash injection for signings, it makes no sense not to.

    I am wondering though in Luzon may NOT get that WP, given KM stated there were 20 candidates . Certainly in other professions this would almost certainly prompt a decline from the Home Office, under the new non EEC immigration laws.

  12. Why can't people be bothered to read and write properly on this blog. Spelling grammar appalling. Curbs (LIKE) does not mean CURBS it means someone older with Championship experience and knowledge GET IT! How many times don't they have schools in SE London anymore, is it an age thing.

  13. interesting mere was confronted on the train home by angry Charlton fan

  14. And JA get a fucking spell check if you can't spell FANS or check, don't bother, a five year old can do that.

  15. I must say she's got some balls/neck getting on the train and standing her ground.

  16. It's times like these that make following a football team so addictive. Sit back, enjoy the show and cheer up. It isn't our money.

  17. There's a difference between following and supporting. If it's turned into a soap, it's tragic and sad one for suppoters. Enjoy relegation, I don't think so.

  18. 'you have to accept the way Roland manages....' K. Meire 2015

    Sums up a particular mind-set and fundamental reason why this crisis with enevitably become a disaster...

    Listen to your customers Roland...or they won't be rioting they will just melt away and you can play with your lifesized Subbuteo set alone.

  19. Roland would make a good heavily disguised candidate for undercover boss.

  20. However the fans feel the owners will do what they want. Like selling Billy Bonds, Mickey Bailey, Marvin Hinton, Dereck Hales, whoever will make a few bob.
    The reality is Roland rules and supporters have to lump it.

  21. bit like me ive just discovered in my family tree im related to Catherine howard and my other relative had a royal title!
