Thursday, 19 February 2015

Fans turned out in force

There was a big attendance of around 400 at last night's meeting of Charlton supporters in Woolwich. There was a constructive atmosphere and it was agreed to seek further dialogue with Roland. A rather full report can be found here: Supporters' meeting . There is another interesting report from top blogger Kyle Andrews here: Chris Powell's Flat Cap

A video of the opening speeches is now available from Voice of the Valley: Opening Speeches

The Huddersfield 'football for a fiver' game was mentioned as suitable for some kind of protest, although what form that would take is not clear at present.

CAS Trust are to be congratulated on organising on what was evidently a well-run meeting which responded to a felt need among fans of the club.

I would just sound three notes of caution. First, there was a hint of a wish to revive the campaigning days of the Valley Party. That was a great achievement, but we mustn't try to relive the past. This is a different set of circumstances without one clear objective.

Second, I do not agree with those who think that the best outcome would be if Roland sold up (not that I think that he is likely to). It is by no means clear that a good quality alternative buyer is available. In many respects, I was had as many worries about the Slater/Jiminez regime as I have about the current one, although they were different concerns.

Third, Steve Dixon put a well phrased rhetorical question in terms of whether we wanted to be part of a Belgian franchise or an independent club based in London. At the end of the day, that is not our choice. The owner is the owner. That, of course, doesn't mean that nothing should be done and I would hope that Roland and Katrien will recognise that a constructive dialogue with fans is to the benefit of everyone.


  1. well done to all those who eventually made it last night.I here we have 2 experienced midfielders on trial in diarra and eagles

  2. Buying a ticket entitles supporters to 90 minutes of professional football. It has never, and will never, entitle the supporters to a meeting with the owner. It's not 'our Charlton' it's his Charlton. Unless of course someone can stump up the money to buy him out - thought not.
    Comparing now to 25 years ago is just emotional nonsense. The patient was all but dead then, now is completely different. On the field it's just like most of the seasons I've supported Charlton, a struggle.

  3. I take the points you make. I think that Charlton fans have a sense that they are entitled to more and that reflects the history of the club when they had a level of engagement and involvement that was exceptional for a football club. They would argue that this is what makes Charlton special or unique. I am more sceptical and in particular I don't like the back to the future elements of some of the present campaign. It does give the old guard a chance to be back in charge, although they would say that they very much want to involve younger fans.

  4. I think iss shockin wot there doin n ope they fail. I like all wot the board n Katrien are doin dahn our gaff n they always get my support 100% juss as does the gaffer n players. Less not let the boo boys n their ilk ruin our club cos thass wot there doin bit by bit.

  5. r2d2 said...
    As I always say….
    Them's not real fans darn our gaff and they want us to lose. I and Roland r the real fan whens he's down are gaff, not the mingeing wineing numpties on ere. Thass they should all go darn the Den where there mam's go and then they can have a real good winge darn ther gaff, right.

  6. I disagree about the view
    that RD's not being visible enough. If he wants to stay in the shadows counting his money why shouldn't he? It's his club, he paid for it. If he
    wants Katrien to run it day-to-day why not? Richard Branson doesn't hang around airports making sure his planes take off..

  7. I think the Supporters Trust represent a broad base of views ranging from, 'Roland Out' to we want improved communication and PR. Personally I see nothing wrong or too extreme with the latter.

  8. Too true Roland doesn't have to give a monkeys about what anyone thinks.
    But most clubs/businesses try to satisfy their customers and that's why they employ PR officers or have complaints procedures.

  9. Could that be how you grow a business/club, by keeping as many people as happy with the service you provide as possible? Progressive!

  10. When a business is bought one of the first items that usually has a value put on it are it's customers, It's called Goodwill. It is then usually customary to try and retain and add too that existing customer base. This is commonly referred to as sound business practice.

  11. Fan power has worked already, as Chris Eagles has signed today. Will we now hear the chant of 'Eagles!Eagles' ring out round The Valley on a regular basis?

  12. We need a change and that must come first with murray at the club. We shd pay him off the £1.7m loan he wants from the club we need new money men on the board who can take the club on to the next level rd km and rm shd all sell up and move on or club will end up like pompey in league two

  13. JA why's u a Yasmin now, have u gone and tied a knot or had an op, either way, it's congrats on nice new name. V upmarket.
    Now I'm a2c's nemesis, unfaithful I know, but i was right (so far) on T. Watt.

  14. Heard about Chris Eagles, but I am on a train in Devon and can't post a report at the moment.

  15. RD underestimated the level of the Championship.
    Using SL reserves was worth a try, but hasn't worked. Now he is bringing in experienced Championship players.
    The trust is no longer fighting a council prepared to destroy a valuable community resource, they are dealing with a man who has risked his own money to keep the club afloat. There really isn't anything to complain about.

  16. Why should Roland sell up n ow many millonaires are there ahrt there to buy ourn ahrt n keep it goin. Yeah name them, ave you asked them they aint interested n I reckon the JA poster iss juss another exenophobe.

    Ere are ow many meetins with fans did Slater n Jiminez old, seems to me this board are avin more meetins dahn our gaff n ahrt n abahrt with fans than wot I can ever remember since them alcyon days of King Curbs n it aint wot they ave to do either.

  17. apologies my step daughter I think was using google

  18. a2c
    It's become apparent that CAFC need a new more effective PR officer to improve their communication skills. I was wondering as you seem like a real fan, whether it's something you might apply for in future. I think it may improve communication (dahn our gaff) know end and I look forward to it v much.

  19. They've got the best one they could ever ave in case you aint eard - Katrien.

  20. So you are capable of producing something that resembles English when you want to.

  21. Katerine is kool. It's nice acing a bird running the club.

  22. "Acing a bird" - some kind of sarf London colloquialism??

  23. 3 goals away from our gaff tonight at Wigan n another defeat for the boo boys n their negative ilk on ere n elsewhere. They should call this article fans turned ahrt in a farce on ere.
