Tuesday, 12 October 2021

'Give Adkins time to find momentum'

The London Football Scene blog assesses the situation at Charlton: https://londonfootballscene.co.uk/2021/10/11/charlton-athletic-are-a-quality-side-nigel-adkins-just-hasnt-discovered-it-yet/

The article argues: 'There is undoubtedly quality within the squad and Adkins’ tactical flexibility in his quest to find it should be applauded as opposed to having a manager at the helm who stubbornly sticks to a failing approach on the off-chance it works.

 Bringing in a new manager would see another restart without any guarantee of solving Charlton’s current problems or achieving long-term success. What would most likely happen is an adoption of defensive pragmatism and long-ball tactics in order to arrest the slide without any sort of promise of a Valley spectacle anytime soon. 

Furthermore, the tenacity with which Charlton defended their second-half lead at Fleetwood before the international break showed defensive improvement.  Now they have something to build on, Adkins should at least be given until the next international window to find some much-needed momentum. 

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