Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Curbs: I didn't get fair shot at England job

A recent edition of Four Four Two has a double page spread interview with Alan Curbishley.

He states: 'After that first promotion to the Premier League, we made a joint decision that of whatever money we took from that season, a third would go on the squad, a third on the stadium and a third would be back-up money if we got relegated.  You see teams relegated from the Premier League having a mass exodus because they can't afford the players' contracts.   That plan meant we didn't have to sell anyone.  We could invest in the squad and we came back up as champions.'

'All of the players we brought to the club had a point to prove.  We never bought the ready-made Premier League player until later.   It ended up working to our detriment a little bit because once we got to that 40 point safety mark, we tailed off from some really good positions.'

'The closest we came to Europe was in 2003/4.  I'm sure we would have finished in the top four or five if Scott Parker hadn't joined Chelsea in January.  We got £12 million, but so late in the window I couldn't spend it.'

Curbs says he didn't get the interviews the other boys did for the England job in 2006, they were interviewed in a private house, he was interviewed in the FA offices because of a timing clash with a FA Cup replay.

In terms of other high profile jobs, Curbs said that he was in a position at Charlton where he was in charge of the whole football club.  He didn't think he was ready for a bigger club, he needed more experience.  He had one year left on his contract and has just been interviewed for the England job.  He wanted his contract to run out - but we all know what happened.

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