Tuesday 10 September 2013

More beefs from Pritch

I have a great deal of sympathy with Bradley Pritchard's criticisms of slow-moving tourists in The Football League Paper , especially on the tube. In my experience the worst offenders are from 'oop North rather than those from abroad (who often seem to have done a bit of research in advance). When I arrive at Euston it is very difficult to get through the ticket hall because of people who have failed to buy a ticket that includes a Travelcard. They then stand in front of the route maps, blocking already crowded corridors.

In addition you have people with huge, heavy cases that are depriving the likes of Addick cabbie Kevin Portch (one time editor of Goodbye Horse) of a fare. Don't get me started on 'my stroller is bigger than yours.' There is also now a belief that if you are travelling with a close friend, you can stand two abreast on the escalator, blocking the overtaking lane.

Anyway, Pritch reassures us, 'No one really does it around the training ground which is good news otherwise I'd be angry all the time.' Presumably he is not 'rushing to get a train' at Sparrows Lane, but clearly everyone is energised and walking at a fast pace.

Pritch is also unhappy with name droppers who mention they are friends with some Z-list celebrity: 'My roommate Cedric Evina, does it all the time, and it is quite funny. He always mentions about how he knows Emmanuel Frimpong and is friends with him just because he was on loan at Charlton for a period, it is hilarious to listen to - but also a bit sad!' Just as well Frimpong didn't return, otherwise he might have found his nickname was 'Z list'.

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