Monday 9 September 2013

Pritch gets hiss after saying that cats are weird

Normally feline match analyst Rescue Cat Reg saves his hisses for match day, but he has given Bradley Pritchard a special hiss after the midfielder gave a critique of cats in the Room 101 feature in The Football League Paper yesterday. It's good to see a Charlton player featured, although the FLP has always given a lot of coverage to Pritch, possibly because of his non-league background (the Non-League Paper is a sister publication).

On cats, Pritch says: 'I just don't get them at all, the whole thing of having a cat is weird to me. As a pet they come up to you for attention and food and then they go off and will probably be at your next door neighbours' getting some more food. They're so greedy and it's just stupid.' It has to be admitted that there is a fat cat syndrome, but there are also some overweight dogs around. Indeed, it has been suggested that overweight owners tend to have overweight pets.

Pritch continued, 'Everyone's really curious about them at the training ground for some reason, people always ask owners of them about it. Most of us feel the same way about them - we just don't really get it all.'

I must admit that I have never really thought of footballers as cat people, they tend to suit those with a more sedentary lifestyle. Dogs are another matter, although again footballers are away from home a lot. I suspect that footballers with families tend to have either a cat or a dog given general levels of pet ownership in the UK.

Pritch also gave his views on tourists and Cedric Evina, but let's make this an electronic part work. You can tell it's the international break. More later.

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