Saturday, 26 April 2008

Je me souviens

Work takes me to Quebec for a week (for work). The translation of the motto of Quebec has always been the subject of debate. What exactly is it that they are remembering? I certainly won't be remembering this season as a memorable one. I shall miss the final game of the season which will be the first time for many years.

I shall also miss Leamington's two play off matches (two if they win the first one) which will decide whether they are promoted to the Southern League Premier Division.

Meanwhile, there are many other Charlton blogs to keep you informed and entertained (although none others covering the Brakes as well). Enjoy the games.


  1. The French of Quebec are remembering that the English kicked the crap out of them on The Plains of Abraham at Quebec City and the guy who looked after it has his statue erected at Greenwich, pearing out over the Docklands area.

    Having said that, Montreal is a wonderful city, full of "le joie de vivre" and I am most certain you will have a nice stay in this most "European" Canadian city!

  2. Montreal, Quebec. I was well aware of that but didnt want to spell it out. So the Canadiennes lost 2-4 at home last night, Charlton lost 3-0 and Leamington won 5-0. It was ever thus.
