Monday, 28 April 2008

Welcome Steve Waggott

Montreal: It is raining very heavily here in La Belle Province today and I have got dragged into yet another row emanating from Chilean politics. But I have been heartened by the news that an 'insider` in the form of Steve Waggott from the Charlton Community Trust has been appointed as chief executive.

Peter Varney will be a hard act to follow, but Waggott brings with him an in depth knowledge of the club and its particular traditions and outlook. At the same time he will hopefully be able to take a fresh look at things. This is only speculation, but one reason why Peter Varney may have felt that he had to go was that after so long in the post he was getting a little stale and the club needed someone who could bring in some new ideas.

Although Waggott will not be responsible for on pitch matters, he will have to respond to the deep disllusionment of many of the Addickted who have endured two very disappointing seasons.

Interesting to see that Thierry Racon has been recalled for the match against Chaventry City. Perhaps he will be given a chance to show what he can or cannot do.

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