Sunday 17 January 2016

Dunlavy lays into Belgians

Chris Dunlavy lays into the Belgian owners and management of Charlton in a full page article in The Football League Paper today.

He starts by referring to a greeting card which says 'I never make the same mistake twice - I make it five or six times just to make sure.' Dunlavy suggests that one might be sent to Roland.

Of Katrien Meire, he says, '[her] crass comments and embarrassing naivety have exposed a shameful condescension towards supporters.' She has proved 'by word and deed that football is beyond her expertise.'

Of Roland he says, 'the bloke is either willfully ignorant or deliberately neglectful ... [he] is an idealist determined to make his network succeed despite increasing evidence to the contrary.'

Referring to the plan to use the Academy to 'produce the Premier League players of the future', Dunlavy says 'That would undoubtedly be easier without the burden of a Championship wage bill. Not to say he seeks relegation. Simply that relegation would not harm the business plan.'

He concludes, 'if Charlton were a restaurant, trading standards would close it down and kick this pair of comedians out on to the street.'

The Daily Telegraph takes a long look at the situation at Charlton: Toxic yet positive


Hilltothevalley said...

Who is Chris Dunlsvy?

aging covered ender said...

Further comment would seem to be superfluous. Argument with regard to M.Duchatelet's 'strategy' is similarly redundant. He must now just go and as soon as possible. I offer £5.00. That sum of money represents a sizable part of my income and soon it will represent 500 times the worth of the club given that it is now a laughing stock. How sad and painful it all is.

Wyn Grant said...

Dunlavy has a weekly column in the FLP.


we have get the fa involved and Cameron at mps question time even dimbleby


get the bbc involved and question time so debated fully on huge show show roland up

Unknown said...

It's so sad to see the club humiliated on a day to day basis...I heard Greenwich council were meeting CAFC directors, not seen anything yet.

Unknown said...
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Admin said...

Even if the MP meets with CAFC, struggle to see an information packed press release from the club along with a meet-the-fans special where Katrien Meire comes clean about what she has done wrong

Les Abbey said...

I must admit I had wondered if Roland Duchâtelet was modifying his business plan to work with Charlton being in the third or fourth division. Could he make a profit selling on the academy youngsters and maybe young Europeans imported from the network while at the same time lowering his wage bill, all be it with a drop in gate money? Does it make economic sense, Wyn?

From a distance Duchâtelet looks like he has the problem that many entrepreneurs have to face of being a bit of one man show. Can he see, or can he admit, when his plan isn't working? Is there anyone he listens to who is saying it isn't working? When people like him get it right everyone will sing their praises, but when it goes wrong, it can very wrong, DeLorean style.

Wyn Grant said...

I don't think he could reach break even status in a lower division, but it might not cost him any more than it does at the moment. Of course, if you are in League One or, even worse in League Two, you become less attractive to promising youngsters and ultimately may have fewer prospects to sell.

Robin Reliant said...

Duchatelet will still make money if we are permanently relegated. All he has to to is downsize the operation by redeveloping The Valley. Luv Robin

Wyn Grant said...

I don't think that The Valley represents much of a development opportunity when you consider the demolition costs and the existence of an outfall sewer beneath it.