Friday 1 January 2016

Not so quiet in the West Stand

Daryl Chamberlain was one of the original Charlton bloggers with 'All Quiet in the West Stand.' He has now written a long but nuanced and informative post analysing the current crisis at Charlton.

He argues that Roland Duchatelet and Katrien Meire have a point in their diagnosis of what is wrong with English football, but one club can't change things. If the Addicks are relegated to League One, they face a fatal squeeze. Read his analysis here: How Charlton is being killed.

I was struck by a quote in today's Times obituary of Brian Lomax who was the initiator of the supporters' trust movement in England and later managing director of Supporters' Direct. A theology graduate, he compared football to following a religion: 'There is a sense of pilgrimage, of going to a sacred place, there is loyalty, sticking with something through good and bad times.'


Unknown said...

Does Richard Murray regret his appointment of Iain Dowie and the decline of the club's fortunes since that time ? Given the present strategy of RD and his stooge it is extremely doubtful that RM and other creditors would ever be repaid. You can sell players and profit whereas promotion to the Premiership would increase RD's liability corporate or otherwise as this would crystallise repayment of the loans by RM and others? So it doesn't pay to be too ambitious ? It has already been intimated RM can decide whether to be the hero or villain of the hour. It is arguable that RM needs to take assertive action even if only to preserve his financial position.

Otherwarwickaddick said...

All quiet in the East Stand, surely Wyn